We embrace the authority of the Scriptures and the activity of the Spirit. Our theology is rooted in Jesus’ teaching on the kingdom of God, where God’s beautiful future is breaking into our present experience. Our values give meaning to all that we do in Grace Family Church. They drive our purpose, define what is central to us and position us in the larger Body of Christ. Lastly, they help us to keep focused in our mission.
'To be a spiritual hospital where the environment of faith stimulates the restoration of people and facilitates the discovery of the God given purpose for their life.
Out of pure need, our original mission was to create a safe place. A place to heal and be restored, but people heal at different paces and in ways. So the next flow of mission was to help people connect with their purpose in God. This implied a new lens of looking at the circumstances of Life. The scripture that guided our thinking was 'The just shall live by Faith or The just by Faith shall live.’