Ladies of Grace Ministry Leader
Lynette Kube
This is an exciting, vibrant ministry for the women at Grace Family Church. We want women to live full, fruitful lives. Come grow in your knowledge of Jesus and his Word, build deep relationships, serve with other women and lead transformational ministry in the world. The mission of this Ladies ministry is to equip and mobilize apostolic ladies.
Throughout the year we host events at the church to help equip women for life and service. We also provide women with opportunities to grow in their relationship with God and others. We've seen many women transformed who are now sharing with others the grace and the truth they have experienced from Jesus. We invite you to join us as we continue to become all God intends His daughters to be.
For more information about the Ladies of Grace Ministry, please contact
Lynette Kube
021 762 81 08

Ladies of Grace Ministry Team
Scripture tells us that the harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few. The Spirit has given each of us gifts that are necessary to the growth of the church. We need every member of the body of Christ to use all the gifts God has given us to pursue the enormous and compelling task of bringing everyone to the heart of God. We are better together and I am very privileged to work on a team with incredibly talented and committed women.
"…who is a beloved brother and a faithful minister who serves with me in the Lord’s work."
Colossians 4:7