Family Support Group
A weekly support group for families who need support in various life situations.

Family Support Group Ministry Leaders
Ernest & Eleanor Sonnenberg
For those experiencing the grip of hurts, destructive behaviors, self-harm, bulling at work, habits, to name but a few - the road to becoming healthy and "normal" again can seem impossible to tread. This is where the Body of Christ comes in. Our Family Support Group helps couples and parents in our church and community having loving, fulfilling relationships and families. We provide resources to help families gain mental, emotional and spiritual health and healing. Trained volunteers lead groups and meet one on one with individuals going through a difficult season. Meet with people who are further along the road toward health and restoration and come alongside those just beginning the journey.
A second Family Support Group is run by Claude Daries and meets in Athone.
Related Ministries: (click to learn more)
Sisters Ministry for marginalized, separated, downtrodden women.
Helpline for addictions and substance abuse.
For help or more information about our Family Support Group, please contact:
Ernest & Elanor Sonnenberg
021 762 81 08